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Meet our expertsOur team of industry experts with decades of big-tech experience is ready to help you navigate every aspect of the tech industry.
  • Daniel Benavideslinkedin.svg
    Lead Content Specialist
    Learning specialist and senior instructional designer, with over 11 years of expertise in teaching applied cognitive science.
  • Irina Goltsevalinkedin.svg
    Senior Software Testing Engineer 
    A passionate functional tester who has worked in various domains for over 5 years — medical services, e-commerce, banking, and science.
  • Andrei Martinovichlinkedin.svg
    Principal Experience Designer
    A self-developed designer, community expert, and team leader who plays a significant role in talent acquisition, technical interviews, and level assessments.
  • Tatiana Petrovskaialinkedin.svg
    Senior Business Analyst
    An experienced business analyst, certified technical interviewer, and level assessment expert who has made the move from a junior specialist to a team leader in 4 years.
  • Pavel Chychyn
    Lead Software Engineer
    A proficient front-end developer and part of the FrontSpot community team who actively participates in level assessments and technical interviews. 
  • Aliaksandr Yazepchyklinkedin.svg
    Senior Recruiter
    An expert staffing specialist with 6 years of experience who is engaged in talent acquisition in 5 countries: Georgia, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan.
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